Gas, Liquid and Solid Chapter Test according to PMDC syllabus 2024 by MDCAT GEEK

Gas, Liquid, and Solid Chapter test including MCQs from UHS past papers.

Gas, Liquid, and Solid Chapter Test

According to the PMDC (Pakistan Medical and Dental Council) syllabus for 2024, as provided by MDCAT GEEK, this chapter test covers fundamental concepts related to the states of matter.


  • Properties of gases
  • Gas laws
    • Boyle’s law
    • Charles’s law
    • General gas equation
  • Kinetic molecular theory of gases
  • Ideal gas equation

Learning Objectives:

  1. List the postulates of kinetic molecular theory.
  2. Describe the motion of particles of a gas according to kinetic theory.
  3. State the values of standard temperature and pressure (STP).
  4. Describe the effect of change in pressure on the volume of gas.
  5. Describe the effect of change in temperature on the volume of gas.
  6. Explain the significance of absolute zero, giving its value in degrees Celsius and Kelvin.
  7. Derive the ideal gas equation using Boyle’s, Charles’, and Avogadro’s law.
  8. Explain the significance and different units of the ideal gas constant.
  9. Distinguish between real and ideal gases.


  • Properties of liquids
  • Intermolecular forces
  • Hydrogen bonding
  • Vapor pressure
  • Boiling point and external pressure

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe simple properties of liquids (e.g., diffusion, compression, expansion, motion of molecules, spaces between them, intermolecular forces, and kinetic energy) based on kinetic molecular theory.
  2. Explain physical properties of liquids such as evaporation, vapor pressure, and boiling point.
  3. Describe hydrogen bonding in H2O, NH3, and HF molecules.
  4. Discuss the anomalous behavior of water when its density shows a maximum of 4 degrees Celsius.


  • Introduction
  • Types of solids
    • Ionic solids
    • Molecular solids
  • Crystal lattice

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe crystalline solids.
  2. Name three factors that affect the shape of an ionic crystal.
  3. Provide a brief description of ionic and molecular solids.
  4. Describe crystal lattice.
  5. Define lattice energy.

Additionally, the test includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs) sourced from UHS (University of Health Sciences), NUMS (National University of Medical Sciences), and ETEA (Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency) past papers, adding a practical dimension to the assessment and ensuring comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.

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